Controlling the repainting of a Form 

In general, you can specify the order of the repainting of a control if you explicitly handle the WM_PAINT message sent by Windows.  You can handle the WM_PAINT message by augmenting the virtual Dispatch method via the BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP, END_MESSAGE_MAP macros.



//in header... 
   void __fastcall OrderedRePaint(TMessage &Msg); 

    MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_PAINT, TMessage, OrderedRePaint) 



//in Form's source...
void __fastcall TForm1::OrderedRePaint(TMessage &Msg) 

    TForm::Dispatch(&Msg); // Let everything else draw first
    // Finally draw your stuff




There are some caveats in doing this.  Most importantly, you don't want to do anything in the message handler that will cause another WM_PAINT message to be sent.  This will cause a Stack Overflow (recursion).